Summer break report from Mr.Mccarthy



Many teachers and students used the summer vacation to travel to different places in Japan. Now that everyone is back to school everyone is sharing their stories of summer. Some people traveled to visit family and others just traveled to explore new places. I fell into the second of the two categories.

I used my summer break as an opportunity to explore northern Japan. Have you ever been to Hokkaido? If not, I strongly recommend that you go their during the summer. If you have been to Hokkaido, then you know what I am talking about when I say that Hokkaido is a such a beautiful place. In the summer the weather is perfect and the camping is excellent. For my trip, I loaded up my bicycle and did one lap of over 2,300 kilometers around Hokkaido. Of all the places I visited during my trip, I found the northeast corner to be the most beautiful. Mount Shiretoko was a very tough climb on a bicycle, but the abundance of nature, greenery, and natural hot springs made the ride a pleasant one.

When I finally returned to Hiroshima, the weather was so hot that it was borderline unbearable. Therefore, I am already considering spending next summer break in Hokkaido for round 2. Care to join me?


私はこの夏、北海道探訪に出かけました。 皆さんはこれまでに、北海道を訪れたことがありますか?
そんなにも美しい場所。それが北海道です。 夏のお天気も言うことなしです。野外キャンプもとても心地よいです。

だから私は、第2回北海度自転車ツアーとして、既に来年の夏の休みも北海道で過ごしたいと考えています。 私といっしょにどうですか?

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